What’s your why? Why did you get up this morning? Why did you eat what you ate? Why do you wear the clothes you’re wearing? What is the big goal?

Our big goal is  to help  professionals and organizations to grow and achieve goals, with our software and services. We want  every organization to have lifelong development in its DNA and ensure that every organization has the right focus and skillset to reach its maximum potential.

How do we do that? GOALS, SKILLS and FEEDBACKThis three abstractions connect every individual person on earth. Everything it takes to be successful. What we need to take care of ourselves, and what we always need to keep working on.

Setting goals is like setting the course of our lives; it guides our efforts and helps us to become aware of our deepest desires and ambitions. Goals allow us to focus our energy on what  is really important to us.

Developing skills is an ongoing process that allows us to actually achieve our goals. Skills increase our effectiveness, resilience and competencies. It is a journey of learning, practicing and growing to get the best out of ourselves.

Feedback is a valuable gift that allows us to improve our performance and grow as individuals. It offers us new perspectives and insights that we often cannot see ourselves. By being open to feedback, we can identify our weaknesses and turn them into strength.

3 abstractions

Goals, skills and feedback are the building blocks of personal development and success of the organization. They work together as a powerful driving force on our journey to fulfillment and growth. These three abstractions are also the foundation of CareerTracker.

Our vision

Every organization needs to have the right focus and skills to reach its maximum potential.

Our mission

Every organization has Lifelong Development in its DNA.

Gerrit Jan Straatsma

I have been working in software development for over 20 years of which 10 years at Microsoft as an ‘Application Platform Consultant’. Within this role I was active in supporting large organizations and software companies in the field of architecture, development, application lifecycle management and security.

I like to operate at the intersection of technology, people, processes and functionality with a preference for product development and innovation. I like challenges, am goal-oriented and pragmatic, but always keep the focus on quality and future-proofing.

I believe in coaching leadership where the best can be achieved from a team by setting goals based on a clear corporate and product vision and also by providing sufficient space and support.

Maarten van Dalen

Active in the development of professoninals since last century.
I like to find myself between the technology and the strategy side to generate the best solutions in co-creation. Alginment between Development and Requirements.

I have worked with SMEs, Scale Ups and Fortune500 organizations. Co-creating solutions that add value to the organizations.

Our contact details

Phone +31338876104

Mail info@careertracker.nl

Twitter @CareerTrackerEU

LinkedIn Careertracker

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